28 research outputs found

    A review of wildland fire spread modelling, 1990-present, 1: Physical and quasi-physical models

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    In recent years, advances in computational power and spatial data analysis (GIS, remote sensing, etc) have led to an increase in attempts to model the spread and behaviour of wildland fires across the landscape. This series of review papers endeavours to critically and comprehensively review all types of surface fire spread models developed since 1990. This paper reviews models of a physical or quasi-physical nature. These models are based on the fundamental chemistry and/or physics of combustion and fire spread. Other papers in the series review models of an empirical or quasi-empirical nature, and mathematical analogues and simulation models. Many models are extensions or refinements of models developed before 1990. Where this is the case, these models are also discussed but much less comprehensively.Comment: 31 pages + 8 pages references + 2 figures + 5 tables. Submitted to International Journal of Wildland Fir

    Viral to metazoan marine plankton nucleotide sequences from the Tara Oceans expedition

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    A unique collection of oceanic samples was gathered by the Tara Oceans expeditions (2009–2013), targeting plankton organisms ranging from viruses to metazoans, and providing rich environmental context measurements. Thanks to recent advances in the field of genomics, extensive sequencing has been performed for a deep genomic analysis of this huge collection of samples. A strategy based on different approaches, such as metabarcoding, metagenomics, single-cell genomics and metatranscriptomics, has been chosen for analysis of size-fractionated plankton communities. Here, we provide detailed procedures applied for genomic data generation, from nucleic acids extraction to sequence production, and we describe registries of genomics datasets available at the European Nucleotide Archive (ENA, www.ebi.ac.uk/ena). The association of these metadata to the experimental procedures applied for their generation will help the scientific community to access these data and facilitate their analysis. This paper complements other efforts to provide a full description of experiments and open science resources generated from the Tara Oceans project, further extending their value for the study of the world’s planktonic ecosystems

    Viral to metazoan marine plankton nucleotide sequences from the Tara Oceans expedition

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    A unique collection of oceanic samples was gathered by the Tara Oceans expeditions (2009-2013), targeting plankton organisms ranging from viruses to metazoans, and providing rich environmental context measurements. Thanks to recent advances in the field of genomics, extensive sequencing has been performed for a deep genomic analysis of this huge collection of samples. A strategy based on different approaches, such as metabarcoding, metagenomics, single-cell genomics and metatranscriptomics, has been chosen for analysis of size-fractionated plankton communities. Here, we provide detailed procedures applied for genomic data generation, from nucleic acids extraction to sequence production, and we describe registries of genomics datasets available at the European Nucleotide Archive (ENA, www.ebi.ac.uk/ena). The association of these metadata to the experimental procedures applied for their generation will help the scientific community to access these data and facilitate their analysis. This paper complements other efforts to provide a full description of experiments and open science resources generated from the Tara Oceans project, further extending their value for the study of the world's planktonic ecosystems

    ActionMap: a web-based software that automates loci assignments to framework maps

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    Genetic linkage computation may be a repetitive and time consuming task, especially when numerous loci are assigned to a framework map. We thus developed ActionMap, a web-based software that automates genetic mapping on a fixed framework map without adding the new markers to the map. Using this tool, hundreds of loci may be automatically assigned to the framework in a single process. ActionMap was initially developed to map numerous ESTs with a small plant mapping population and is limited to inbred lines and backcrosses. ActionMap is highly configurable and consists of Perl and PHP scripts that automate command steps for the MapMaker program. A set of web forms were designed for data import and mapping settings. Results of automatic mapping can be displayed as tables or drawings of maps and may be exported. The user may create personal access-restricted projects to store raw data, settings and mapping results. All data may be edited, updated or deleted. ActionMap may be used either online or downloaded for free (http://moulon.inra.fr/~bioinfo/)

    Optimisation de l’insertion d’implants orthopĂ©diques non cimentĂ©s par une mĂ©thode acoustique basĂ©e sur l’analyse de la force d’impact

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    Selon la Haute AutoritĂ© de SantĂ© (HAS), environ 150 000 personnes subissent chaque annĂ©e en France une pose de ProthĂšse Totale de Hanche (PTH). MalgrĂ© la frĂ©quence de l’intervention, environ 5% Ă  10% d’échecs sont constatĂ©s dans les 10 ans suivant l’opĂ©ration [1], ce qui pĂ©nalise les patients et engendre des coĂ»ts pour le systĂšme de santĂ©. Dans le cas d’implants non-cimentĂ©s, la stabilitĂ© primaire de l’implant est en effet obtenue grĂące aux contraintes qui s’exercent Ă  l’interface avec l’os dues Ă  un sous-dimensionnement de la cavitĂ© osseuse par rapport Ă  la taille de l’implant. L’enjeu pour le chirurgien est donc d’insĂ©rer suffisamment l’implant afin d’éviter la crĂ©ation de micro- mouvements sans nĂ©anmoins provoquer de fracture pĂ©ri-prothĂ©tique. Or, le chirurgien ne dispose d’aucun outil d’évaluation en temps-rĂ©el de l’état de stabilitĂ© de l’implant dans l’os et se base actuellement sur le son produit par le marteau lors de l’impact [2]. Dans cette Ă©tude qui porte sur la tige fĂ©morale, nous nous intĂ©resserons au signal de la force d’insertion, enregistrĂ©e grĂące Ă  un capteur de force prĂ©sent sur la face d’impact du marteau orthopĂ©dique. Nous montrerons que la forme du signal Ă©volue avec l’étape d’insertion de l’implant dans l’os et avec son enfoncement. En particulier, l’intĂ©rĂȘt se portera sur l’étude des rebonds de la piĂšce impactĂ©e sur le marteau et un indicateur temporel, correspondant Ă  la distance entre les deux premiers pics du signal, sera analysĂ© au cours de l’insertion. Les rĂ©sultats de deux Ă©tudes in silico et ex vivo seront Ă©galement mis en perspective. Cette mesure dynamique des propriĂ©tĂ©s du systĂšme os-implant ouvre des perspectives quant au dĂ©veloppement d’un outil d’aide Ă  la dĂ©cision pour les chirurgiens. [1] NJR. (2017) 14th Annual joint registry report [2] G. Whitwell et al., (2013) Proc Inst Mech Eng